Synopsis: Teruaki Nakamura recently transferred to school in Okinawa from Tokyo and fell in love with a girl. Unfortunately, he can't understand her dialect! With the help of his new friend Higa-san, ...
The series has inspired anime, spinoffs, games, and live-action adaptations as well. A short live-action series titled Kachō ...
With The Penguin boasting high viewership ratings, a potential Season 2 has already been teased by showrunner Lauren LeFranc.
M arvel comics have an endless supply of amazing villains, but the MCU struggled with adapting villains at first. Marvel ...
Ultraman is having a great 2024, between the launch of the latest giant of light in Ultraman Arc, and his stylish animated ...
Superhero movies get a bad rep for being spectacle over substance, but there are plenty of superhero films with depth that ...