Not only is this plant extremely popular but it is also easy to care for. A well-cared for plant can last 20 to 30 years. Christmas Cactus is a succulent which means it holds water in its leaves.
To keep both parts of the plant happy, it's best to choose a spot where your grafted cactus can receive bright, indirect light. If growing outdoors, choose an area that's partially shaded, especially ...
Nothing extends a holiday welcome like a cheery Christmas Cactus. With its dark green toothy leaves and bright pendulous blooms, the Christmas Cactus is a favorite Yuletide plant. The original ...
Schlumbergera, or holiday cacti, are native to Brazil’s humid Latin American rainforests. Exported to Europe in the early 19th Century, Spanish Monks discovered the unique plant bursting with ...
SALT LAKE CITY — Like the poinsettia, the holiday cactus is a popular houseplant during the holiday season. Here is everything you need to know to keep yours happy and in good condition. There are ...
In order to get your Christmas cactus to bloom and retain its classic colors, a little intentional care goes a long way. So keep an eye out for winter houseplant care mistakes, as they can be easy ...
The Christmas cactus is a wonderful, hardy succulent with beautifully colored (red, pink, white, and even yellow), tubular blooms. They are very easy plants to care for as they can tolerate poor ...
This species boasts pointed edges along the margins of their flat stem segments, which are so distinct they are also known as Crab Cacti. Along with an earlier bloom season, blooms are held erect and ...