参考文献[1]Whittaker, Joseph, and Miranda Harris. “Low-carbohydrate diets and men's cortisol and testosterone: Systematic review and meta-analysis.” Nutrition and health vol. 28,4 (2022): 543-554. doi:10.
"Most of the traditional farming practices are not ecologically sustainable in Pakistan. Natural resources are being misused, reducing soil fertility, causing erosion, and contributing to climate ...
中国营养学会与国际学术出版商IMR出版社日前在京签署战略合作协议,共同打造IMR出版社旗下期刊《国际维生素与营养研究杂志》(International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research),搭建学科国际交流桥梁,增强中国在营养学领域的国际话语权和影响力。 记者从签约仪式获悉,今后,中国营养学会将作为主办单位,为该期刊提供全方位的学术支持,包括优化编 ...