Most laws have exceptions including preserving the mother’s life, preventing significant harm to the mother’s health, the presence of lethal fetal abnormalities, and pregnancies resulting from rape ...
The motion presented Monday by Providence has five points — including an argument that enforcement of the claims, and ...
New laws taking effect with the new year will affect Hollywood actors, social media stars and chatty motorists.
Today, as Americans’ personal data has become increasingly commodified, the need for robust federal data privacy protections ...
Medication abortion patients in the U.K. report that they are told to expect period-like symptoms, but the pain they experience is significantly worse.
In STAT's "jealousy list" for 2024, STAT staffers explain what makes a selection of stories they read in other publications ...
Illinois bans discrimination based on reproductive health decisions, including access to abortion and fertility treatments.
根据该报告,有14个州符合无堕胎的定义。“无堕胎”是指一个州从法律上,自受孕到出生保护未出生的生命。“尽管有极少数例外,而且是以母亲的生命为考量为主,才采取的决策”。 这些州包括阿拉巴马州、阿肯色州、爱达荷州、印第安纳州、肯塔基州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、密苏里州、北达科他州、俄克拉荷马州、南达科他州、田纳西州、德克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚州。
Immediately after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade via the Dobbs decision, giving states control to restrict abortion, Google recorded the highest volume of searches for “vasectomy” in ...
The number of abortion clinics operating in the United States declined slightly over the past year, with 14 states being "free" of such facilities, according to a report by a pro-life activist ...
The week before the 2024 election, a gut-wrenching advertisement created by a progressive campaign fund went viral. A young woman lays curled up on her living room floor, sobbing. Her frantic ...