"60 Minutes" has displayed liberal bias long before the Kamala Harris interview snafu, from dismissing the Hunter Biden ...
Kamala Harris' "60 Minutes" interview with CBS is facing backlash over edits during one question. An early release clip that ...
(华盛顿17日讯)美国民主党总统候选人、副总统哈里斯当地时间周三回应媒体询问中国对台军演相关议题、以及她对中国入侵台湾的立场。她重申她相信“一中”政策,她也相信台湾有自我防卫的权利。台湾中央社报导,哈里斯在密歇根州底特律机场接受媒体短暂提问。有媒体指 ...
Questions that seem tough-minded and probing in fact distract us from what we ought to be asking. Let’s take the interview ...
(华盛顿9日讯)根据当地时间周二公布的一项最新民意调查显示,美国民主党总统候选人哈里斯稍微领先共和党总统候选人特朗普,并且在共和党选民中的支持率有所上升。法新社报导,距离11月5日大选日不到4周,哈里斯和特朗普基本上势均力敌,双方都在努力动员,试图争 ...
also known as the "logo 3." On a Fever practice court, Clark showed 60 Minutes Overtime all the different elements that come together for this crowd-dazzling shot. When Clark has the ball and is ...
Kamala Harris appeared on "60 Minutes" and didn't say anything new. Donald Trump didn't show, but his people say he never ...
When CBS first announced that Trump was backing out of the interview on Oct. 1 was, his campaign director Steven Cheung ...
Donald Trump's complaints on how "60 Minutes" edited Kamala Harris' answers have put a spotlight on the production process of ...
A member of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has asked the body’s chair to take up a complaint filed with ...
Donald Trump has backed out of a planned interview with 60 Minutes and its correspondent, Scott Pelley, the network said ...
很少有人注意到他向党内支持者发表的讲话中的三段话,在这三段话中他“自豪地”承诺将“全面”执行《乌鲁鲁宣言》(Uluru Statement from the Heart),这一宣言是一份2017年由原住民领袖撰写并支持的请愿书。