In an alarming occurrence from Pandharpur, Maharashtra, an individual has been arrested for running a fake clinic for over three years without any medical qualifications. Dattatraya Sadashiv Pawar ...
LONDON (AP) — Five people have been treated following a stabbing Thursday morning in south London, according to London’s Ambulance Service. London’s Metropolitan Police said a man has been ...
I have dyed my hair every color under the sun, so I know a good shampoo for color-treated hair has a lot to ... who relies on the No. 3 treatment to keep her double-processed hair healthy and ...
Reports suggested that at Osmania General Hospital, eight individuals were treated in the outpatient ward for injuries caused by Chinese manja ... “We may have to raid e-commerce storage houses and ...
Most people can be treated in an outpatient setting, but some may need a residential or inpatient facility. Seeking treatment as early as possible raises the likelihood of a successful recovery.
DJ Kulet accuses her husband of molesting minors, ends marriage of 8 months. Image credit: @deejaykulet Source: Instagram The union lasted for less than eight months, and she accused her ex of being ...