近日,中文网络上流出中国人民解放军海军“渭南”舰的舰徽,上面有“勇于超越,合力制胜”八个大字,被关注中国海军舰艇装备动态的热心网友解读成是052D型导弹驱逐舰的第31号舰。 “渭南”舰的舰徽,提前在网络上被曝光,表明这艘第四批次打造的满载 ...
那时候我们海军力量弱,只能靠外交部发抗议来表达我们的愤怒,不过如今情况变了:日前,法国太平洋司令部发布消息称,法军一架猎鹰-200巡逻机在太平洋法属波利尼西亚经济专属区发现一艘中国海军052D型驱逐舰。法属波利尼西亚距离中国东沙群岛直线距离 ...
无论是飞行器还是海上的各型军舰,动力系统都是心脏般重要的核心部件,中国目前能够自主研发的心脏级别的CGT40型燃气轮机,能够为052D驱逐舰进行动力系统的升级,也成为更大的动力亮点。 052D驱逐舰是我国海军的经典舰船,有着非常强大的综合优势 ...
CNS Liaoning was part of large-scale military exercises near Taiwan, where the carrier took part in simulated strikes on sea ...
近日,菲方一架小型巡逻机企图偷偷摸摸飞近黄岩岛,被我方军用直升机直9来了一个“贴脸拦截”。 据悉,在菲机悄悄摸摸飞近黄岩岛时,附近巡逻的052D合肥舰捕捉到了信号,火速放出直9前去拦截。 直9升空后,径直向菲机飞去,直接逼近至15米,菲律宾飞行 ...
The Type 052D is a stealthy, 6,000-ton ... The Chinese surface fleet, which consists of five relatively new destroyer classes of no more than two hulls apiece, bears out this go-slow approach.
The People’s Liberation Army said the Chinese ships involved in the exercise included the Type 055 destroyer Wuxi, Type 052D ...
Satellite images showed it had the shape and size of a Type-052D, an advanced guided-missile destroyer in China's navy. But this ship was missing key features, such as a vertical launch system for ...
Comprehensive supply ship Luomahu (Hull 964) attached to a navy flotilla under the PLA Southern Theater Command provides liquid supply to Type 052D guided-missile destroyer Guilin (Hull 164 ...