Three million members elect 9,000 delegates–who elect NEA's top officers, debate issues, and set NEA policy. Here are your leaders, making your voice heard. The nine-member Executive Committee is ...
Each month, we feature three books—one each for young, middle grade, and young adult readers—that explore a topic related to diversity and inclusion. Check out the calendar below to see what's in ...
Disability discrimination occurs when an applicant or employee is treated less favorably because of a disability. A person may be disabled if he or she has a physical or mental condition that ...
Racial dynamics, disparities and divisions permeate our society, communities, schools and classrooms. Systemic racism is so deeply rooted in our history, culture and institutions that there’s no ...
Becky Pringle is president of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest labor union. Becky is a middle school science teacher with more than three decades of classroom experience and ...
NEA has a vision for great public schools for every student. We know that institutional and structural racism are barriers to achieving our vision. We will leverage the power and collective voice or ...
Affirmative action — This term describes policies adopted since the 1960s that require “affirmative” (or positive) actions be to taken to ensure people of color and women have opportunities equal to ...
Educators know firsthand that school-based discrimination against transgender students harms them profoundly by stigmatizing them and denying them equitable educational opportunities. This guidance ...
Across the country, the number of children diagnosed as having autism has increased substantially and many of these students are in general education classrooms. How can general education teachers and ...
All children deserve well-trained and supported educators and curriculum to help them reckon with our past and shape our future. Together, we can make that happen. No matter our color, background, or ...
What are the differences between a 504 Plan and an IEP? Even for experienced educators, it can sometimes be confusing to determine if a student might qualify for services that are provided through a ...
Schools experience a wide variety of crises that have the potential to harm the mental and physical health, learning environment, and safety of students and educators. School crises can be on a large ...