Gain the skills, dexterity and confidence to propel your career into senior management. Whether the goal is to create a standalone solution or fashion part of a complex talent development initiative, ...
A team is only as strong as its people — and its leader. Professor Leigh Thompson created the Teamwork 101 series to improve individuals' leadership skills so they can maximize the strength in their ...
At Kellogg, social impact and sustainability is deeply ingrained in our community, guiding what we teach in the classroom and how we conduct ourselves in the world.
Lethargy is contagious — and if you're not careful, it can drag the performance of your entire team down. In fact, according to Leigh Thompson, J. Jay Gerber Professor of Dispute Resolutions and ...
Professor Garthwaite is the Herman R. Smith Research Professor in Hospital and Health Services, a Professor of Strategy, and the Director of the Program on Healthcare at Kellogg (HCAK). He is an ...