Sometimes we want to pray for another person but aren’t sure what to say. Let’s look at Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:9-14. Every word fits perfectly with God’s will, so you can present these requests ...
Yesterday we learned several reasons why a prayer might seem to go unanswered. Today, let’s think about times when our heart is right and our petition is in line with the Lord’s will but He remains ...
No matter how busy life gets, we make time for what’s important to us. And of course, the wisest thing to do is to prioritize the things God values—such as reading His Word. Here’s a little exercise ...
In a fish’s belly, Jonah recommitted himself to the Lord’s purpose. But the popular Bible story about the consequences of disobedience doesn’t end with Jonah obeying God. The book actually concludes ...
How we think determines how we will behave, so we must learn to think of ourselves the way God does—as new creations no longer under sin’s mastery. We can be “more than conquerors” regardless of our ...
Have you ever written a résumé? It requires a good deal of skill and tact. After all, it’s the way you introduce yourself to a potential boss. You must feature your skills and accomplishments in a way ...
Before we discuss today’s verses, let’s look at one other passage. Take the time to read Matthew 26:69-75 and consider Peter’s emotions in that moment. The more people asked about his relationship to ...
One of the most painful human emotions is loneliness. Of course, there are times when being alone is unavoidable. But since God has sent His Spirit to live within us, we are never truly on our own.
Believers are called to be compassionate (Luke 10:37), but we must show discernment when practicing kindness. At times, stepping into someone’s life can block what God is doing with that person. Let’s ...
Are you making the most of your troubles? Anytime the Lord allows trials to enter your life, He has a purpose for them (Gen. 50:20). He wants you to squeeze out every bit of spiritual growth instead ...
The most important issue we must settle in this life is our eternal destiny. Throughout history, churches have been composed of both believers and unbelievers, and it’s often difficult to tell the ...
Jesus told us that we would face hardship in this life (John 16:33). But in His grace, He gave us amazing tools to keep trials from overwhelming us. For instance, He placed His Spirit inside each ...