Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman philosopher, once said, "The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory." Truer words were never spoken as we bring 2018 to a solid close. It has been an eventful ...
Ban Giám đốc (Board of Directors - BOD) là bộ phận ra quyết định về chiến lược và quản lý công ty. BOD chỉ đạo và giám sát hoạt động kinh doanh chung và ra quyết định về các vấn đề quan trọng liên ...
Als einer der global führenden Anbieter digitaler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sind wir langjähriger und zuverlässiger Partner der deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber und vieler ...
Cosa sono i cookie e tecnologie simili? Huawei Technologies Italia S.r.l., con sede legale in Via Lorenteggio 240, Torre A, 20147 Milano (di seguito "Huawei", "noi", "ci" e "nostro/a/i/e") utilizza ...
Huawei advocates and promotes the establishment of cyber security standards that are globally recognized and agreed upon. Huawei has also been actively participating with industry standards ...
The SBC is a strategic network element (NE) for VoLTE. It is essential to network security, reliability, and multimedia interconnection as well as future network evolution. Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is ...
We have worked with carriers and partners worldwide to accelerate digital transformation and facilitate customers' business success in the 5G era. At the end of 2022, the number of 5G users across the ...