A further cut of 0.25 per cent could also be opted for, but it all depends on the proof of facts. Of course, for the moment, ...
Italy recorded 3,039 deaths, with an average/high rate of 52 per million population. The decrease in 2019 is 4 per cent, the ...
Brussels – The new term of Ursula von der Leyen at the head of the European Commission begins in the sign of a new clampdown on irregular immigration. Due to the sharp shift to the right, a new ...
Brussels – Italy is a model for managing the flow of asylum seekers. The European People’s Party (EPP) is convinced that the Italy-Albania protocol is “an innovative solution,” and, for this reason, ...
Although the European Union is struggling to sever the umbilical cord that binds it to Moscow's hydrocarbons, Budapest is going against the tide and announcing an increase in imports from the ...
Brussels – Economic freedom, absence of controls, very strong private investment, and a high-risk appetite are the factors that have driven, and continue to drive, the digital economy in the United ...
Brussels – “Helping create the much-desired European public sphere” is one of the goals set by the General Council of Italians Abroad (CGIE), which convened the Continental Europe and North Africa ...
Brussels – For the New York Times it is a “hard blow” to gay and infertile couples; for the Washington Post “many Italian families will live in the shadows;” France’s Le Monde speaks of a law pushed ...
Brussels – Sanctions, as are critical stances against the ayatollah regime, are good. But the European Union must do more. The demand comes from the Iranian opposition, which took to the streets at ...
Brussels – Not just “implementers” and “lenders” for European Union programs, but also players in planning: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and its French counterpart CDC are calling for a seat at the table ...
Brussels – EU heads of state and government are meeting to once again agree on a response to the two biggest international crises, the escalating Russian attacks in Ukraine and the conflict in the ...
Brussels – Inflation in the eurozone falls more than expected. Eurostat changes the preliminary estimates released earlier this month and corrects the inflation figures for September: 1.7 percent, ...