Our contractor calculator section provides you with a detailed illustration of what you could earn as a contractor. Whether it's operating through your own limited company or via an umbrella company, ...
To put a CV refresh fee on your company, coordinating closely with the rewriter is key, assuming you want to sleep at night. Avoid these CV clangers, and you’ll start next year better off than a fair ...
The divisive issue of establishing whether a contract is “inside IR35” or “outside IR35” is hashed out in decades of employment status case law. But while historic, this case law is also continually ...
Our VAT calculator can be used to either add VAT to the figure entered or subtract VAT to leave the non-VAT amount. The results page breaks the figures down into the net amount, the VAT portion and ...
The Agency Workers Regulations, "AWR", will come into force on 1 October 2011. The legislation will give temporary agency workers the same basic rights, after 12 weeks in the same assignment, as those ...
Must-knows when mulling ‘flying under the radar’ by executing a UK contract from foreign shores. Outside to blanket-inside IR35-fears are among the concerns of a contractor whose EU client clearly ...
Welcome to CUK's guide to S660 and 'income shifting'. Section 660a or S660a has been around for many years but the Government (being short of a bob or two billion) has decided to re-examine this rule ...
Free-Work Group Limited (contractoruk.com) is a source of information and news for contractors. ContractorUK keeps contractors informed on tax issues, market demand, jobs, IR35, new legislation and ...
ContractorUK has provided you with an IR35 tax calculator in order for you to calculate how IR35 can affect your income. IR35 affects contractors who do not meet the Inland Revenue's definition of ...