I am convinced that if I ever manage to invent air-conditioned underwear or truly waterproof gear for the Camino that keeps you dry, I will become a millionaire. Today, I walked in heavy rain from ...
In May I stayed in Albergue Pons Marin. Loved it. I was on the ground floor. Clean, friendly and all amenities you need, clean bathrooms separated for women and men, laundry facilities, kitchen and ...
I did a search on the forum, and couldn't find anything related to this Camino? Anyone any ideas? Photo from today near Monasterio de San Juan de la Pena. El camino Este trayecto es continuación del ...
Hi all ... slow Sunday .. rambling idle thoughts .. Camino - is there anything you would want, or wanted, that doesn't seem to have been invented yet? Or you couldn't ...
One of the few advantages of Covid, for me at least, was that being unable to walk the camino I was forced to read and learn about it and so I came to the Romanesque, a term used to refer to early ...
I was on my way, striding down the French Road, not so long ago. My attention turned to the litter, the garbage, that is scattered along the edge of the path, or bordering the carretera. Not just ...
I will be walking the Caminho Portugues from Porto to Santiago October 25 - November 11. I have walked several Caminos so I am ready and excited to start but have a few questions. 1) What is the best ...
Well, at 70 I am finally doing my Camino! I will be walking from Porto to Santiago, arriving there on Oct 21st. I will be in need of a Transfer from Santiago to Porto on Oct 22, to my Hotel OpoHotel ...
Perhaps a helpful tip. Leaving Saint Jean Pied de Port until say Puente La Reina or Estella, your backpack is finally packed and arranged properly for daily use, feels good on your back, your ...
Hello! My husband is currently on the Camino Portugues. He lost his wallet in between the cities of Ponte de Lima and Rubiaes. It's a small colorful wallet and it has 3 zippers. If you can please call ...
When I ended my first camino in Leon due to illness in 2022, I came to peace with it and decided it WAS my full camino and I was also certain I was one and done. I told everyone exactly that- I had no ...
I've already posted in the Fisherman's Trail forum, but I think that all the beach/sand walking might be a no-go for my husband. My husband will accompany me to Europe next year for a vacation before ...