The inverter with silicon carbide semiconductors, which is also designed for electrical voltages of up to 800 volts, is ...
Our Bosch Media Service is intended primarily for journalists, bloggers, and online influencers, as well as any other media professionals. If you belong to one of these target groups, our spokespeople ...
Crumlin, Northern Ireland / Gerlingen and Waiblingen, Germany – With many diseases, every minute counts, and determining whether a patient is presenting the symptoms of a simple cold, the flu, or ...
Board of management: Dr. Stefan Hartung, Dr. Christian Fischer, Dr. Markus Forschner, Stefan Grosch, Dr. Markus Heyn, Dr. Frank Meyer, Dr. Tanja Rückert, Katja von Raven ...
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same on Bosch websites are protected by copyright and ...
Unser Bosch Media Service richtet sich vornehmlich an Journalisten, Blogger und Online-Multiplikatoren sowie alle anderen Medienschaffenden. Wenn Sie sich zu dieser Zielgruppe zählen, stehen Ihnen ...