Academician Abdusalam A. Guseinov on pacificism and the perspective of the infinite beginning. The idea of nonviolence entered into the cycle of Russian ethics on the wave of Mikhail Gorbachev’s ...
John Greenbank searches history for answers to persistent questions. The history of philosophy must be understood as a series of serious intellectual and moral claims about fundamental issues. For ...
Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872) started out as a student of theology but went on to articulate one of the most interesting critiques of religion we have. In his major work The Essence of Christianity ...
Michael Philips on the shaky foundations of the most popular philosophical theory of modern times. Most academic philosophers these days will tell you, without hesitation, that they are materialists.
Peter Saltzstein finds that Chaos Theory yields unexpected philosophical results. The future is not what it used to be. I mean, an intriguing implication of the branch of mathematics called chaos ...
Ching-Hung Woo looks at the many facets of Albert Einstein’s approach to ethics. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) regarded morality as indispensable to the survival of humanity, and he devoted considerable ...
Patricia Railing explains the philosophical ideas behind some of abstract art’s most famous abstractions. There has been much philosophical speculation on the relationship between artistic materials ...
Derek Harrison compares radically alternative visions of the absolute. “I saw eternity the other night. Like a great ring of pure and endless light.” – Henry Vaughan Vaughan’s simile is an attempt to ...
Siobhan Lyons tries not to use either to explain what and why they are. As a schoolgirl in a Catholic Primary School, I often had to attend church. In W. Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage, the ...
In his Introduction to Lectures on the Philosophy of World History (1837), Hegel argues that there are three ways of doing history. The first of these is original history. Original history refers to ...
Matthew Gildersleeve goes to the movies with Jacques Lacan. Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) was a French psychoanalytical philosopher. I would like to apply some of his ideas to Mary Harron’s film American ...