Bladder masses, tumors, and polyps, while relatively uncommon in cats, are more likely to occur in older cats and can lead to trouble ... through the skin into the bladder (i.e. cystocentesis). Urine ...
Most commonly diagnosed in older cats, feline hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland overproduces the thyroid hormone. Some symptoms can include weight loss with an increased appetite and drinking ...
Cats are enigmatic creatures that have captured our hearts for centuries. As responsible pet owners, it's essential to understand their unique biological processes, including their reproductive cycles ...
Cats like to revisit old spots, even if they’ve been cleaned really well. “It’s one thing to clean up cat urine so that you don’t see it or smell it anymore. It’s another to clean it to ...
While few creatures may be as charming as the domestic housecat, some "mark their territory” by lifting their tails and spraying urine all over the walls. To make matters worse, sprayed cat ...