Just under a year ago, someone ported thousands of apps from Windows 98 to 95 by reverse-engineering some code. Now, someone ...
The journey to Llama running on ancient-though-local hardware enjoys some twists and turns; after securing the second hand ...
不管如何,Windows现在已经成为大多数普通用户使用的操作系统,从Windows95,Windows98,到Windows 2000,Windows Millennium Edition(又称Windows Me),花样繁多。
In brief: A group of artificial intelligence researchers has demonstrated running a powerful AI language model on a Windows 98 machine. And we're not talking about just any old PC, but a vintage ...
IT之家注意到,这款 《我的世界》 启动器由 Reddit 用户 jtofexstinction 在 Windows 98 子论坛上发布。为了让启动器能够在 Windows 98 上运行,jtofexstinction 对代码进行了调整,使其兼容 ...