The Heartbreak Kid is a 2007 American black comedy movie directed by the Farrelly siblings. Featuring Ben Stiller, it is a remake of the 1972 film of a similar name. Likewise featuring are Michelle ...
Lustfully presents a gripping narrative rich with mature themes such as desire, revenge, and ambition. The story is anchored by Yoon Seung-ah’s struggles as the illegitimate child of a wealthy family, ...
Royal Redemption offers a narrative about redemption and second chances. Princess Annette, who experienced scandal and heartbreak in her previous life, is granted a fresh start, born five years ...
The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter explores the tumultuous life of Lewellyn, a once-revered princess cursed with unrelenting desire after being forsaken by her royal family. This curse ...
Star-Embracing Swordmaster offers an enthralling blend of underdog perseverance and magical encounters. Vlad, a boy from the slums, dreams of becoming a knight—a symbol of strength and hope that feels ...