Although this term is not included in the RAE dictionary – and other institutions such as Fundeu prefer it to be known as ...
Find out more about two customer journey tactics for the energy sector, don't miss it. Read now our corporate blog.
The transaction, unanimously backed by 27 financial institutions, contributes to strengthening the Group's long-term liquidity..
Continuous improvement is a central tenet of Lean Management. For Delivery Managers, this means establishing a constant ...
Carlos Ruisánchez es licenciado en economía por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y ha complementado sus estudios en el SBE (School of Business and Economics) de Maastricht (Holanda). Actualmente ...
Apasionado de la comunicación, de mantener buenas relaciones humanas y amante incondicional de viajar. Más de 15 años de experiencia especializado en Deportes dentro del departamento de Comunicación ...
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We bring you all the information, articles and news about Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is essential for the qualitative advance of our productive, scientific, ...
Te acercamos a toda la información, artículos y noticias sobre Inteligencia Artificial. La Inteligencia Artificial es una tecnología esencial para el avance cualitativo de nuestro sistema productivo, ...
Este concepto se manifiesta en el amor y el cuidado por otras personas, animales, plantas y el entorno natural en general. Para Fromm, fomentar la Biofilia es esencial para la salud mental y el ...
However, the need to continually look at a screen has begun to generate a disconnection with the environment. And this ...