冰岛人会用交换书籍来庆祝圣诞前夜。家人和朋友会交换新近出版的书籍,并一起度过阅读之夜。冰岛的这一传统被称为 Jólabókaflód(意为圣诞节 ...
我们的岛屿拥有美丽的海滩。遗憾的是,太多海滩并不纯净。在过去的两年里,海滩之友组织每个月都在不知疲倦地清理海岸上的垃圾。仅从 2024 年 ...
M.V. Center for Living will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1, for New Year’s Day, and on Monday, Jan. 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. day. 可能需要付费。请致电了解更多信息。
Mathew Tombers, the man behind the bookstore, loves his job, and his care and dedication to his customers and staff shine through: “I’ve been so fortunate. The people who work here have so ...
That image, along with a handful of others, can now be found at the Louisa Gould Gallery on Main Street, Vineyard Haven. Serusa is the first photographer that Gould has represented. An acclaimed ...
There’s always something happening at the Howes House! We are open Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4 pm. Closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1, for New Year’s Day and on Monday, Jan. 20, for Martin ...
一月份的以下节假日 Anchors 会关闭:1 月 20 日星期三的元旦和 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日星期一的马丁路德金纪念日。 请访问 edgartowncoa.com了解有关计划和服务 ...
该中心开放时间为周一至周五,上午 8 点至下午 4 点。1 月 20 日星期三和 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日星期一将关闭。 请致电 508-696-4205 借用或捐赠医疗设备。
Trigger warning: There is nothing that will ruin a holiday more than when your relative’s dog kills your cat. Oh dear, I am getting gloomy again. Bah, humbug! Another thing that can ruin the ...
Despite the state’s significant moves to procure the cleaner energy generation since 2016, Vineyard Wind 1 is the only project Massachusetts has in its offshore wind pipeline, and that project ...
SHINE 为符合医疗保险资格的成年人及其护理人员提供免费的健康保险信息和帮助。
The Vineyard Playhouse is hosting “Balance: Chi Kung classes,” with Kanta Lipsky on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 10 am, beginning in January, through March. This one-hour class of gentle ...