Thursday, March 10th, 2022: Graduate Student Mini Series: What is General Relativity? Thursday, April 7th, 2022: Graduate Student Mini Series: What is Arithmetic Geometry?
Associate Professor at Columbia University. CV and MathGenealogy. Office: Department of Mathematics 613. Email: (research), (teaching).
Professor A.J. de Jong, Columbia university, Department of Mathematics. One might say: an explanation serves to remove or to avert a misunderstanding---one, that is, that would occur but for the ...
Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Random Processes, Stochastic Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Economics and Finance.
E.B.Vinberg: Representation of the symmetric groups, a very short summary for SpringerLink. Notice interesting comments that follow the summary. A.Vershik, A.Okounkov, A New Approach to the ...
I am a professor in the Mathematics Department at Columbia University.
I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University, in the group of Geometry & Analysis and Mathematical Physics. My research interests are General Relativity, Partial Differential ...
Quanta magazine has just put out an impressive package of material under the title The Unraveling of Space-Time. Much of it is promoting the “Spacetime is doomed” point of view that influential ...
The philosophy of Columbia's central administration has been to pursue continuous growth whenever possible. This point has been forcefully expressed by President Bollinger in an interview: We have to ...
Department of Mathematics Barnard College Columbia University 2990 Broadway MC 4418 New York, NY 10027-6940 ...
Title: Research Professor Barnard College-Columbia University, Professor Emeritus I also am an Affiliated Professor at the University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. Educational Background: Ph.D., Courant ...
I.N. Bernstein, I.M. Gelfand, and S.I. Gelfand: Schubert cells and the cohomology of the spaces G/P, Uspehi Mat. Nauk 28 (no. 3): 3 (in Russian); Russian Math. Surveys 28:1 (in English); English ...