The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
Would you like to be involved in finding solutions to future challenges of food and energy production, such as climate change, population growth and limited energy resources? Are you interested in ...
In the Master’s Programme in English Studies at the University of Helsinki, you develop your expertise in areas that are often separated in other programmes: English language and linguistics, ...
How to solve fundamental environmental problems? How is knowledge of microbiology applied in medicine and industry, or in food production? What research techniques are used to study viruses, bacteria ...
What do they eat now? What is behind the good taste of food? Raw materials? Processing technologies? How to improve the healthiness, safety, ecology and ethics of food and food processing? If this is ...
In the two-year Master’s Programme in Changing Education, you get an understanding of education as a dynamic and transformable construct from the individual neural level to global policies. You also ...
Do you want to deepen your understanding of language in general or become an expert in linguistic diversity at a local or global scale? Are you interested in learning how humans perceive the world and ...
Global socio-ecological problems call for multidisciplinary solutions that transcend the usual boundaries of science and decision-making. In the Master's Programme in Environmental Change and Global ...
What is the role of the media in the transformation of contemporary democracies? Why do economic activities result in global and national financial crises and inequality instead of stability and ...
Voidaksemme ylläpitää kasvavaa väestöä tällä dynaamisella planeetalla tarvitsemme syvällistä ymmärrystä maapallon geologisista ja geofysikaalisista prosesseista sekä niiden vuorovaikutuksesta ...
The University of Helsinki Doctoral School has 33 doctoral programmes. Doctoral study rights are applied to from the programmes. Study rights are applicable 2–5 times a year, depending on the doctoral ...
Helsingin yliopiston englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden maisteriohjelmassa syvennät asiantuntemustasi aihepiireissä, joita usein opetetaan omina opinto-ohjelminaan, eli englannin kielessä ja ...