Is research in stone conservation “on the rocks?” This volume, part of the Research in Conservation series, offers an in-depth critical appraisal of the status of stone conservation research today, ...
A kind of encyclopedia of animals, the bestiary was among the most popular illuminated texts in northern Europe during the Middle Ages (about 500–1500). Because medieval Christians understood every ...
These symposium proceedings mark the culmination of the first phase of the Getty Conservation Institute's collaborative project with the State Bureau of Cultural Relics of the People's Republic of ...
The Amasis Painter was one of ancient Greece’s greatest vase painters, yet his own name has not been recorded, and he is known today only by the name of the potter whose works he most often decorated.
This richly illustrated book reveals how Joséphine, Napoléon Bonaparte’s empress, shaped the arts of early nineteenth-century France and beyond. Her incomparable sense of style, her passion for ...
The Getty Museum offers workshops and professional development programs that help you incorporate the study of art into your classroom. The Getty Museum Education department has created this guide to ...
The reference information listed below is intended for those who work with the Getty's data. This information comes from the Museum's collection database, and in some cases is incomplete or awaiting ...
Ancient Iran, historically known as Persia, was the dominant nation of western Asia for over twelve centuries, with three successive native dynasties—the Achaemenid, the Parthian, and the ...
Terry J. Reedy was a consulting statistician from 1979 to 1989 in the Biomathematics Unit of the Center for Ulcer Research and Education in the School of Medicine, University of California at Los ...
Peter Dinzelbacher Margaret of York’s Visions of Tondal: Relationship of the Miniatures to a Text Transformed by a Translator and Illuminator Roger Wieck Image Follows Text? The Visions of Tondal and ...
An archival collection is a unique body of information, created at a particular time by a particular organization or individual as a result of a particular activity. If the cultural record contained ...
Conservation is a core value for most archaeological societies. It is highlighted in their codes of ethics, statements of mission, and governance. In recognition of this, the World Archaeological ...