每天都能看到不少小伙伴在评论区问“苹果什么时候支持 NFC 刷卡”之类的问题,这个咱们也解答过很多次了,iPhone 很早以前就开始支持 NFC 坐公共交通了,不会还有人不会用吧? 相信用过 Apple Pay 乘车的同学,都知道这玩意有多方便。
This case gives you a pseudo e-reader experience for your iPhone or Android phone, if that's something you've been searching for.
There's no U1 chip inside the iPhone SE, but it does feature WiFi 6 support, which is the latest and fastest WiFi protocol, along with Bluetooth 5. It also has NFC with reader mode and supports ...
The European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) antitrust legislation compelled Apple to grant developers greater access to the iPhone’s NFC reader ... made the NFC & SE Platform API available ...
This update to the iPhone SE brings 5G ... water resistance, NFC, and fingerprint reader.
Like the iPhone 8, it has a 4.7-inch HD display, high-quality camera, wireless charging, water resistance, NFC, fingerprint reader, Siri voice assistant, and a Lightning connector.