智通财经APP获悉,全球财长本周将齐聚华盛顿,参加国际货币基金组织 (IMF)和世界银行 (World Bank)的年会。当前全球环境动荡不安,中东和欧洲的战争充满不确定性、对悬而未决的美国总统大选或引发新贸易战并侵蚀多边合作的担忧等因素层出不穷。这场年会将吸引来自各国财政部、央行和民间社会团体的1万多人,讨论提振全球经济增长、应对债务危机以及为绿色能源转型融资等多方面主题。
Since the inception of BRICS, the member states have been committed to upholding multilateralism and becoming a positive, ...
BEIJING, Oct 18 (China Economic Net) - Chinese wind turbines are having increasingly more presence globally. In the first ...
TMTPOST -- U.S.-listed Chinese shares rallied Friday on investors’ expectation of hundreds of billions of dollars’ fiscal ...
Intel's products in China were identified as posing several risks, including frequent security vulnerabilities, poor ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
Financial regulators have released positive signals, indicating an unprecedented intensity in monetary policy efforts. The ...
At least 23 civilians were killed and over 40 others injured in an airstrike on a main market in southern Khartoum on ...
By 2029, a general regulatory futures system framework and business model with Chinese characteristics should be established, per the guidelines issued by several government agencies, including the ...
The IPO market is picking up after a sluggish period amid high interest rates. Drew Bernstein, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, ...