New Tricks is a British comedy-drama that follows the work of the fictional Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad of the Metropolitan Police Service. Originally led by Detective Superintendent Sandra ...
The UCOS team investigate the brutal unsolved murder of a young police woman. But as Pullman struggles to keep the boys under control, it becomes clear that this case is more personal than she's ...
...and James Bolam Remember... New Tricks. Amanda Redman, James Bolam and Alun Armstrong look back on police comedy drama New Tricks. We’re sorry, the information ...
When Gerry loses badly at poker, he agrees to pay back the debt by investigating the suspicious death of a bookie. Soon the team are plunged into the world of greyhound racing.
A police drama series about a unit made up of retired detectives and a long-suffering boss, looking at unsolved crimes. Starring Denis Lawson, Tamsin Outhwaite, Tracy-Ann Oberman and Larry Lamb. ABC ...