Here’s how the USFWS is working with Ducks Unlimited to bring more small, seasonal wetlands to Minnesota’s prairie and ...
New research has revealed the unique ecological role of coastal wetlands in the face of rising sea levels, capturing carbon, ...
Beavers can create wetlands that absorb those floodwaters as they did on May’s ranch, a benefit that’s not at all new. But the interest in the benefits of beavers on the landscape has been ...
The Lake George Land Conservancy has purchased 45 acres that are mostly wetlands off of Lake George in the town of Bolton, it ...
These wetlands exist at the interface, or ecotone, of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems that create uniquely diverse and productive habitats in an otherwise semi-arid landscape. While only occupying ...
Wetlands act as natural carbon sinks ... concluded Ika Djukic from The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. 110 scientists collaborated on the study.
The wetland is part of the larger Lake Laurentian Conservation Area, which spans more than 960 hectares and 60 kilometres of recreational trails. These routes, popular for hiking, biking, snowshoeing ...
Although wetlands make up less than 3% of the Colorado landscape, they play an outsized role in sustaining wildlife –– providing a home for 26% of the state's birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.