Here, we guide you to understand what you can look forward to. Pregnancy week-by-week guide -- what to expect during the entire 40 weeks A step-by-step guide to the tests and development ...
How many weeks pregnant am I? To determine your due date, healthcare providers count 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) rather than trying to guess exactly when sperm ...
2 fruitcakes This week, your baby measures 37.6cm from head to heel - that's around the same as ... We can do this!” - Hopefaith Want to share your pregnancy with others going through the same as you?
It’s face time this week. Your baby’s beginning to develop a jaw and dark spots are forming where ... It's not matchsticks you need to prop your eyelids open after lunch; it's giant logs. Pregnancy is ...
Pregnancy is split into trimesters: the first spans the initial 12 weeks; the second trimester covers weeks 13 to 26; and the final trimester extends from week 27 until the end of the pregnancy ...