Growing up in a family immersed in Bollywood, his father, David Dhawan ... two shared the stage. Varun and Karisma danced to her iconic “What is Mobile Number” song from 1999’s Haseena ...
Jackie Shroff also stars in the Kalees-directed remake of Atlee's 2016 Tamil hit 'Theri,' about a police officer who has adopted a new identity to protect his family.
The grand scale of Baby John’s release underscores Varun Dhawan’s growing clout as a ... immense popularity and the increasing demand for Bollywood films on international platforms.
Varun Dhawan is set to star in Baby John, a Hindi adaptation of Atlee's Theri, releasing on December 25, 2024. He plays police officer Satya Verma, earning ₹25 crore. Keerthy Suresh makes her ...