NFC tags are small, passive devices made of three primary components: a thin coil of copper or aluminum wire, a tiny silicon ...
For example, placing a tag by your door can activate smart home settings with a simple tap of your phone. But what exactly are NFC tags, and how can a small device offer so much functionality?
NFC tags are widely used in marketing campaigns, public transport systems and smart home setups to enable quick, touch-free ...
Smartphones increasingly rely on Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for convenience and connectivity, but ...
NFC tag tampering. This tactic, often overlooked, can expose users to phishing attacks, malware, and data theft with a simple tap of their phone. Marc Rivero, Lead Security Researcher at Kaspersky ...
The tech company is trying to disrupt China’s mobile payment market. The response from merchants and shoppers has been mixed.
Luxury brands can embed an ultra-thin NFC chip within their product. This gives customers the ability to authenticate the ...
The keys to NFC are its simplicity and its robustness. In theory, all a user will have to do is tap their phone near the infotainment system (or wherever the sensor is located) in order to pair ...