The Surface RT was one of these: while the hardware was at least as good if not better than Apple’s iPad, its ARM CPU and an ill-advised signed-apps-only policy meant the tablet couldn’t ...
The Surface RT was one of these: while the hardware was at least as good if not better than Apple’s iPad, its ARM CPU and an ill-advised signed-apps-only policy meant the tablet couldn’t ...
NVIDIA will reportedly release its first-ever ARM-based chips for Windows PCs. The rumored N1X chip is expected by the end of ...
IT之家 1 月 15 日消息,微软前 Windows 和设备设计主管拉尔夫・格罗内(Ralf Groene)本周已加入亚马逊, 担任设备和服务业务的设计负责人 。格罗内在微软任职期间,曾主导 Surface 平板电脑的设计,并在过去十年中与前 ...