In this six-part series, we'll give you quick exercises for different body parts every week to help you stay limber.
Stretching your upper body is crucial for maintaining ... In a seated position, raise your right arm up to the ceiling. Bend the right elbow, reaching your hand down the back of your neck.
A pinched nerve is exactly what it sounds like. A nerve is being pressured by surrounding tissue and thus, loses some circulation. This pressure can be caused by the surrounding muscles, cartilage, or ...
This is the warm up to get ready for a deeper stretch when ... that will have been done on the long flight! Inhale and stretch your arms out to the side at shoulder height. As you exhale, bring ...
These stretches will help to loosen that upper ... lift the right hand off the floor and twist your body so that your arm comes up and over your head towards the left, supporting hand Bring ...
Bend at the elbow to bring hands towards shoulders slowly before lowering them back down with control. Do two sets of ten repetitions each to strengthen biceps and enhance overall arm function.
And stretch your arms forward. Let your forehead rest on the floor. Find a couple of deep breaths here. Then lift your head, look at your hands. Lift your wrists up high off of the floor.