130 years after a fungus-eating plant received its name, a researcher has uncovered the purpose of the structure that inspired its name -- revealing a novel mechanism by which plants ensure ...
At the plants adult stage flowers start to grow, moving pollen from the stamen to the stigma produces seeds. This is called ‘Pollination’. Now that the flower has seeds, it needs to get them ...
Kobe University researcher has uncovered the purpose of the structure that inspired its name—revealing a novel mechanism by which plants ensure reproduction.
As of July 7, corn development was ahead of average, with 24% of the crop silking (five-year average of 14%) and 3% in dough stage (average of 2%). Early conditions for pollination were favorable.
MIT's new robotic insects, inspired by bees, achieve longer flights and enhanced precision, paving the way for autonomous ...
Robotic insects modeled after bees are set to revolutionize pollination, boosting crop yields and transforming agriculture.