The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a rule to drastically reduce the amount of nicotine in cigarettes and other combusted tobacco products.
“We wanted to find out if giving people rewards helps them to quit smoking in the long term,” she states. “We are now very ...
A new study published recently in JAMA Internal Medicine shows that smokers had a nearly doubled success rate quitting when ...
Not too long ago, vaping was seen as something that could help you quit smoking. Now, people are looking for a way to quit ...
Incentives, such as money, vouchers or deposits, can be used to encourage people to quit smoking, and to reward them if they remain non-smoking. Such schemes can be run in workplaces, in clinics, and ...
“Smoking is the leading preventable cause of ill health and early death worldwide, and quitting smoking is vitally important ...
"We know that smoking while pregnant can be really harmful to both the parent and the fetus," Hartmann-Boyce says. "And ...
AMHERST, Mass. (WWLP)–A new report finds that rewards and financial incentives are helping people quit smoking, including ...
Smoking cessation was associated with significant objective changes in N1 sleep, REM sleep, and SWS among those who maintained abstinence.
Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take for your health, but it's also one of the hardest.
Giving money, vouchers or returning cash deposits to people who smoke has helped them give up the habit, new research has ...
“We are now very confident that incentives help people, and pregnant people too, to quit smoking better than not offering incentives,” Notley added. Up to now, the evidence regarding financial ...