Maile, a shaman who practices an ancient form of spiritual healing with roots in the pre-Buddhist Bon tradition of Tibet, performed the ceremony to clear and protect the space and those who were ...
When my middle son ventured off into the jungles of Peru after serving in the Army, I had no idea he'd wind up learning the intriguing practice of Shamanic energy healing. Shamanism is an ancient ...
Shaman Durek is the go-to healer to the A-list, boyfriend of a Norwegian princess and has a book on healing on sale now. While on a whirlwind London tour, Stylist sits down for a session with the ...
Shamanism is one of the world’s oldest religions and healing traditions with evidence of shamanic practices dating as far back as 30,000 years ago. Though shamanic practices vary by region ...
Our ideal client is eager and completely motivated to do the inner-work to face their inner "shadows," to move into deeper healing. With our specialized trauma and shamanic healing training ...
I offer consultation, psychotherapy and shamanic healing. Consultation may be with other professional healers or with people who want to explore an issue. Psychotherapy may look like: counseling ...