By using only one sort of seed, you can also reduce competition at the feeder, which leads to spilling and waste. Safflower seeds are a good option for a single-seed bird feeder. Some of the birds ...
Seed oils don’t cause chronic diseases like heart disease or diabetes. Omega-6 fats in seed oils support heart health and ...
Seed oils are rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and helps protect the body from oxidative stress by preventing ...
Q. We feed the birds but are being driven to bankruptcy by the squirrels feeding on the seed. My neighbor says that you use ...
Safflower Seed is a good choice if squirrels keep raiding your feeders. Birds like Safflower (especially chickadees)…squirrels not so much. Nyjer Seed is another anti-squirrel option and is a ...
Seed oil is chemically unstable. Its fatty acids degrade into oxidation products such as free radicals and degraded ...
Safflower farming was revived shortly after the war, when a handful of seeds preserved by a few farmers miraculously bloomed. In the company's workshop, I was shown fabrics dyed in various shades ...
The seeds, known for their rich fibre content, need little management as they attract no pests at all, say farmers ...