"SOS" may be the lyrics to your favorite ABBA song, but it has important historical significance. Here's what it means and ...
Whether your travels take you deep into the wilderness or just to the part of your city that doesn't have cell service, you ...
It also can be used in modern-day slang to communicate discomfort or urgency over text: Marine communication is not the only ...
When a hunter crashed his e-bike, injuring his ankle in a remote part of the White River National Forest in September 2023, ...
Garmin debuted its new inReach Messenger Plus earlier this year, and is now set to showcase that product at the upcoming CES ...
Garmin inReach Messenger Plus is Garmin's first satellite communicator with photo and voice messaging in addition to global ...
Apple plans to bring satellite communications to its smartwatch line-up by next year. This new feature will allow users to send emergency texts and SOS signals even in areas without cellular coverage.