Orchids are a true decoration for windowsills, until suddenly they lose their flowers, the leaves start to brown, and the ...
So how do you water orchids correctly? "The best way to water a potted orchid really depends on what kind of material it’s been planted in," says Whitney Bromberg Hawkins, founder, Flowerbx.
Next, individually re-pot each division with fresh orchid medium, like sphagnum moss or bark.” New divisions only require light watering; place each in an area that's humid and bright—though ...
Orchids (Phalaenopsis) are readily available this time of year in nurseries and even grocery stores. They are popular hostess ...
Orchids can be tricky to look after, but there's a simple 10 second trick that will help you know when to water them - and it ...
“I recommend repotting an orchid every two years,” Kondrat says. If your orchid came from the store potted in sphagnum moss, Kondrat recommends repotting it in a chunky potting mix labeled for ...