Report the first flowering of a selection of plants, shrubs and grasses, as well as a range of events relating to trees. These events are recorded each year to help track the impact of climate change ...
But how did these immobile organisms manage to spread so far? One answer is pollination, or plant sexual reproduction. Pollinators—typically wind, water, and animals—carry pollen from one ...
Asexual propagation is when plants are started from other parts such as rhizomes, bulbs, cuttings, and divisions. Pollination is critical for sexual propagation. All flowering plants require ...
Interaction networks are typically presented and analyzed as compiled observations over multiple time periods or sites but decomposing networks into their spatiotemporal components can give us ...
Currently, we are investigating how pollen limitation of multiple wildflower species varies among years and fragments that differ in bee diversity, and we are building plant-pollinator interaction ...
It was unmanageable in that narrow strips of grass are more challenging to maintain by campus grounds staff and can become more laden with undesirable plants, creating pressure to apply herbicides.
Mutualistic interactions are mutually beneficial species interactions. Plant-pollinator mutualisms are particularly important, and involve nearly 170,000 plant and 200,000 animal species.
The assessment of plant distribution provides relative scores for different useful indices representing various ecosystem-level characteristics, such as pollinator-friendliness, biodiversity, and ...