Aleksandr and Oksana Pavlov have 22 children, 18 of whom are adopted They live in the Siberian city of Yakutsk ... the traditional Yakut diet. Instead, people often consume frozen berries, which ...
AFP PHOTO / North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk / Michil Yakovlev/Getty A 50,000-year-old baby mammoth found in Siberia is believed ... the area of Yakutia by people living nearby.
The stories are humbling, especially as you sit in your cozy home and watch the Yakutians do such hard ... t wondered how the people who live in the harsh climate of Siberia make it all work?
A 2,800-year-old burial in Siberia that contains the remains of an ... an archaeologist at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, told Live Science in an email. "Our paper mentions 18 ...
A turquoise lake in Siberia where people have been taking selfies is actually ... But what wouldn't you do for the sake of such pictures?" He then added that "the water tastes a little sour".
Fifty-one people have been killed in Russia's worst mining disaster in a decade, prompting three days of mourning in Siberia's Kemerovo region. Among the dead were five rescue workers, although a ...