Law and Order: SVU is one of the most beloved shows airing on primetime television. Following the lives of a fictional NYPD Special Victims Unit squad, folks get fired up to see Captain Olivia ...
Following the lives of a fictional NYPD Special Victims Unit squad, folks get fired up to see Captain Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), Sergeant Fin Tutuola (Ice-T), ADA Sonny Carisi (Peter Scanavino) ...
In July, NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said his team would be tackling the increase head-on and had brought in more detectives to the department’s Special Victims Unit to do the job.
That number represents a more than 40% drop from last year’s gun violence. More significantly, those figures represent the lowest annual tally for Staten Island ever recorded in the era of NYPD ...