Like the DEC PDP-8, this is a 12-bit machine, but instead of the diode-transistor logic of the DEC, the substantially smaller Q2 uses a simple NMOS approach. Also, the DEC has core memory ...
CMOS technology uses two different types of transistors, n-type (nMOS) and p-type (pMOS), which work together in pairs in a complementary manner. The term "complementary" refers to how these two ...
In 1963, Frank Wanlass and C.T.Sah of Fairchild unveiled the first logic gate in which n-channel and p-channel transistors were used in a complementary symmetric circuit configuration. This is what is ...
There is technically no such thing as a single CMOS "transistor." CMOS "gates," CMOS "logic" or CMOS "circuits" are more accurate terms, because CMOS technology is made up of NMOS and PMOS ...
Bridging the gap between fundamental analog electronic circuit textbooks and more advanced RF IC design texts, this book addresses issues that must be taken into account when combining analog and ...