Neuralink, Elon Musk's brain chip company, finally moved from theory into reality, announcing its first successful medical ...
Precision Neuroscience raised $102 million to advance its brain-computer interface technology, intensifying competition with ...
Intel has developed the world's largest neuromorphic computer system, Hala Point. It has 1.15 billion neurons and is powered ...
Science Corporation plans bio-hybrid implants to enhance brain-computer interfaces Science Corporations innovative approach ...
This is far beyond the speed of typing or speaking. Neuralink users wouldn’t just control devices with their thoughts; they ...
Science Corporation thinks connecting to the brain with living neurons could be a more viable solution for brain-machine ...
The tech businessman owns X, SpaceX and Tesla alongside Neuralink and is set to have greater influence on Capitol Hill in the ...
近日,马斯克旗下脑机接口公司Neuralink宣布,已获加拿大批准启动在该国的首次临床试验,开始招募受试者。 获批在加拿大启动临床试验 Neuralink由 ...
快科技12月9日消息,今年年初,马斯克宣布Neuralink植入的首个大脑芯片人类患者已经完全康复,只需意念就能控制鼠标,如今这项技术在国内进展更 ...
Neuralink, co-founded by Elon Musk, is advancing its experimental brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. This involves a chip implanted by a surgical robot, connected to the brain by threads ...