and Field Effect Transistors (FETs). BJTs are controlled by current, while FETs are controlled by voltage. Within these categories, there are further subdivisions such as NPN and PNP BJTs and ...
If you want to control it from a 3.3 V MCU that can’t handle the high-side voltage on its pins, you can add a NPN transistor section as shown – this inverts the logic, making it into a more ...
This is a simple method of assembling a two-output oscillator. All it takes is a pair of NPN transistors, which are then switched by on and off based on a resistor-capacitor (RC) timer.
you should be able to say what the circuit is used for and be able to explain how it operates. This transistor switching circuit uses an npn transistor, a voltage divider (consisting of a \(5 kΩ ...