It may have gone a bit quiet around NFTs but the BlockBar blockchain platform continues to push forward in the liquor market.
The global non-fungible token market appears to have taken another short breather after rallying for the past two weeks.
The NFT (non-fungible token) auction market has cooled down significantly from its 2021 frenzy, characterized by fewer ...
The organization said that weekly sales rose to $82.6 million in the week ending in October 6, a major jump for NFT sales ...
Today, the NFT market has surged +440% to $72 million in sales volume after a rare punk sold for more than $56 million just a ...
PANews 10月14日消息,NFT 艺术家 DeeKay 就“钱包被黑客攻破,除 NFT 外所有资产被盗”一事表示,已确定盗窃者身份,会拿回这些资金。DeeKay 指出此人是某个非常亲近的人,可以接触到手写的助记词,所以这不涉及 Google ...
NFTs are witnessing a resurgence in sales, with weekly sales volumes reaching their highest levels since August.
PANews 10月15日消息,根据官方消息,Mint Blockchain 再次取得重要突破。在 Optimism Grant 最新的 Cycle 28 中,Mint Blockchain 成为唯一被 OP Grant 委员会批准的 ...
NFT数字藏品到底是消费品还是投资品?从中国的环境来看,消费属性大于金融属性将是NFT数字藏品长期生存的关键。我们不能否认NFT数字藏品具备一定的投资价值,但这种价值在中国市场上必须被控制和限制。就像限量版球鞋或珍贵的邮票一样,NFT数字藏品既可以是 ...
Crypto analysts have noted Qubetics ($TICS), the Layer-1 project that impressively raised over $1.2 million in its presale.
近日,数字艺术与收藏品领域迎来了一股新的风潮,那就是NFT的兴起。在这个潮流中,一个备受瞩目的平台——NFT ...
Five projects from University of The Bahamas students have emerged as pioneering NFT (non-fungible token) creations. Each winning project won $10,000 prizes. The initiative received support from ...