Perform quick 2-minute brain exercises daily for 30 days Exercises improve memory, focus ... your mind such as 37 + 48 or 123 – 67. Builds mental calculations, enhances thought, increases ...
In conclusion, cognitive exercises such as problem-solving games, learning new skills, social interaction, and even physical ...
Everyone wants to keep their memory sharp and their brain functioning well as they age. But some of the tips on how to ...
Exercise releases neurotransmitters like endorphins; dopamine, part of the brain's reward system; norepinephrine, which can ...
Just as physical exercise can strengthen muscles, mental exercises may help maintain ... Irregular sleep patterns have time-wise results in terms of memory problems and cognitive deterioration.
When it comes to keeping your brain healthy, the usual advice is clear: eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, ...
It’s no secret that exercise benefits our physical health, but its positive effects on mental health are just as important.
An article in the medical journal Neurology lists specific questions people should ask their neurologist or primary care ...
Keeping your mind healthy and sharp after the age of 50 is absolutely possible. While it is true that cognitive aging can ...