To celebrate its 40th year, Lego Education launched its latest product, Spike Prime, which bridges Lego's analog brick with digital STEAM education. Spike Prime takes Lego's traditional product ...
we spoke with Sliwinski on how the product was developed and with Zahn on how her school district uses Lego Education products. Designed to be accessible Built off the SPIKE Prime set that was ...
LEGO Education, which has for decades created supplemental science, technology, engineering, and mathematics materials for ...
Hands-on learning helps build confidence, yet only half of students have access to these experiences in science lessons, according to a new LEGO ® Education report. LEGO ® Education Science aims ...
Hands-on learning helps build confidence, yet only half of students have access to these experiences in science lessons, according to a new LEGO® Education report. LEGO® Education Science aims to ...