Animated series inspired by LEGO's popular Ninjago series. The Ninjas battle against a computer virus by thinking about all the other enemies they've defeated and the weapons they've used.
Get your nunchucks and join the Wu Cru for the latest LEGO adventure. In a dangerous digital world, the recruits fight the darkness with their super ninja power. Unfortunately LEGO Ninjago isn't ...
Four ninja warriors fight to protect the city of Ninjago. The ninjas head to the Cloud Kingdom in search of a powerful sword which will allow them to see their enemy's next move.
ONE NINJA MUST TRAIN TO SAVE THEIR WORLD The great ... dark replicas of the four ninjas and a dangerous race across Ninjago The destiny of the Green Ninja has yet to be fulfilled ...
Nyad: The ninja suffer a defeat at the hands of Wojira and Nya contemplates a decision that may save her friends and her city, but could spell her own doom. (S3, ep ...
LEGO Ninjago City is a collection of four enormous ... and an incredible amount of detailed Ninjago easter eggs, like the Ninja Zone, ice cream shop, Chen's noodle house, or the Ninjago museum ...
Over 20 new LEGO models have been created for Ninjago World including two five-foot guardian dragons built from 77,280 Lego bricks over the entrance, models of Master Wu and the Ninjago heroes.
NinjaGo Endless Runner is an aptly named endless runner starring ninjas. It is available for Android and iOS and was developed by 9th Impact. Advertisement NinjaGo Endless Runner is an aptly named ...