Jason Bonham Changes Band's Name to Accommodate Led Zeppelin Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Evening will hit the road this summer, while Led Zeppelin continue to map out their 50th Anniversary plans.
It's been nearly 20 years since Led Zeppelin last performed together at London's O2. Many fans have long wanted to know whether they will ever reunite.
The only time rock legends Led Zeppelin and The Who ever shared a stage together in the United States was at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland, on Sunday, May 25, 1969.
Jason Bonham’s Led Zeppelin Evening (a clunky moniker due to them not being granted permission to be called JB’s LZ Experience, for some reason) are led from behind the drums by Jason ...
He can easily recall the story of Led Zeppelin’s first U.S. concert that night in Denver. “Led Zeppelin’s agent, the soon-to-be omnipotent Frank Barcelona, called Barry Fey - the local ...